Rua Cardeal Arcoverde, 928 - São Paulo - SP


Geoelectric Method and Induced Polarization (IP)

They allow to distinguish minerals with contrast of electrical resistivity in relation to the geological environment which they are, for example: graphite, quarzto, iron, among others.

Induced Polarization (IP) in particular aims to measure the chargeability (ie, its capacity to store electrical current) of the minerals in subsurface, being very efficient to find and delimit metallic minerals.

Magnetic Method

Also more feasible to search for metallic minerals, the magnetic method analyzes the variation of the terrestrial magnetic field, altered due to the presence of magnetic minerals. The presence of these can help to find mineral resources.

The research consists of walking with the magnetometer by predetermined lines of research in order to find these magnetic anomalies.

Seismic Methods

By measuring the transit time of the mechanical waves generated by mallets or explosives, seismic methods can, through the acoustic impedance difference of the geological layers, define rocky ridges and the base of a certain deposit, as well as verify possible fractures / faults in rocky bodies , among other functions.

They are best suited for specific geological environments, such as sedimentary basins.

Gráfico representativo de Mining

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